We have been the educational institution for metal design for over 250 years. We produce jewelry, everyday objects, home accessories and furniture using traditional craftsmanship and the latest technology in timeless and extraordinary designs. The academy itself, as well as many of its graduates, are internationally well-known and successful far beyond the country's borders.
During their training at our vocational school, our trainees learn their craft in goldsmithing, silversmithing, metalworking or engraving from scratch. They work in well-equipped workshops and theory rooms, supervised by master craftsmen, qualified designers and theory teachers.
With our "Technical School of Design" we offer all those interested in design a two-year professional training course at a high level, which also includes preparation for the master craftsman's examination. The completion of the technical school is a professional bachelor's degree (Bachelor Professional), which allows you to enter a master's degree program directly at various universities.
In cooperation with companies in the region, we train young people in our vocational school to become skilled craftsmen and women in the dual system. Contact and networking with companies are particularly important to us.